Pitch of Swedish Playwrights


Wednesday November 5th at 9.30-13.00 followed by lunch 13.00-14.00

Together with the Public Employment Service Culture Media/EURES Arbetsförmedlingen, we have the pleasure to invite you to a Pitch of Swedish Playwrights during Swedstage.

On the morning of November 5th, we will present a number of playwrights from a great selection, to pitch their ideas for you. The playwrights will present scripts for children, youth and adults.

After the presentations, we will host a light lunch where you also will have the opportunity to mingle with the writers.

We hope this opportunity will be of interest to you! You’ll find the registration for the Pitch of Swedish Playwrights at the registration form.

If you have any questions regarding the pitch, please contact Wanna Spiridonidou, Arbetsförmedlingen.

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