The Can!
– A Story About Friendship
Two good friends always hangs out together. It's all happiness until one day when they discover a can and the conflicts begin.
With dance, music and lust we follow the dancers on their journey of feelings back to the pleasure of being friends again. The Can is a story filled with greed and struggle but at the same time a humorous and kind story about how important but fragile friendship can be. During the show the audience will be invited to some interaction and fun with the dancers.
The choreographer Anna Vnuk is a Swedish choreographer and director. She is known for her warm, personal and humorous performances. Her work is presented by all of the biggest theaters in Sweden and television as well. She received The Birgit Cullberg scholarship, The Swedish Theater critics award 2010 and 2015 TCO culture award. Right now she have shows running at Scala theater, House of dance , Childrens channel UR/Svt and Zebra dance stage.
Choreographer: Anna Vnuk
With: Andrea Svensson, Lisa Nilsson
Music: Orkesterpop, Mija Folkesson and David Shutrick
Light: Kalle Svensson
Set and costume: Jenny Kronberg
Target group: from 4 years
Duration: 45 min
Language: non verbal